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HottoShotto Digital Collectibles

Empowering the Community with Digital Collectibles

Collectibles provide owners with unique perks in the HottoShotto ecosystem. Collections come limited in supply, rare, legendary, exotic rarity levels and beautiful artwork.

What is a Digital Collectible?

Essentially, a digital collectible, also called non-fungible token "NFT", is a badge of honor, similar to a membership or loyalty card. The owner enjoys the artwork, design, bragging rights, and perks. An unlimited number of people can become members that can use the benefits of the card. However, digital collectibles possess huge advantages:

  1. Limited supply: scarcity can bring value for rare collectibles
  2. Ownership: one can use the perks, rent, sell the collectibles
  3. Exchange: easy marketplace listing, receive payments instantly

HottoShotto Gaming Collectibles

Specifically designed to boost gaming perks. Get your hands on a collectible to enhance earnings and gaming abilities while playing your favorite blockchain games. Buy an NFT and gift to a member to support them and our community.

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